Originating from the western area of the Caucasus populated by Armenian and nomadic Kurdish tribesmen, Kazak rugs are dominated by highly stylized floral motifs. Reds, blues, greens, and yellows are the main colours used in these vibrant rugs. The rugs in our Kazak gallery are very fine quality pieces made with natural dyes and Ghazi hand-spuNew wool.
The first and largest district in the 'Kazak' group is Kazak itself, stretching from Erivan in the Armenian Caucasus to Tiflis on the border on the borders of Georgia, and with Karabagh to the south-east. The Khanate of Kazak produced both high-piled rugs from mountainous areas and low-piled rugs from the valleys, and village, and settlement, many of which have their own easily recognized characteristics.
The stepped hooked polygon recurs frequently and is seen at its boldest in the shaggy deep-piled rugs of Lori-Pombak, which also feature massive geometrical medallions on a plain field.